The Blueberry Adventures: Our Lives as New Yorkers...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Lives as New Yorkers...

After getting to know each other in Texas, we decided to get to know each other in New York. I worked for a Boys & Girls Club of the Educational Alliance on the Lower East Side (Manhattan, New York City) and Kevin worked for a Toys 'R' Us in Queens, right next to our house! Can you tell we're kids at heart? On our free time we went on dates around the city and Kevin showed me the sites!

After spending so much time on Texas' South Padre Island, Kevin wanted to show me what a "real" beach looks like! This is Jones Beach on Long Island in New York. It was beautiful and the sand was FLUFFY, and the seagulls were HUGE! However, despite how lovely it was... it was far too cold to enjoy the water. Only the "crazies" were in the water!

What a good sport! At Jones Beach...

What a sight!!! And I don't mean the beautiful blue water...

We also walked through about half of Central Park... We tried to walk it on two different occasions... but it is soooooo vast, it's impossible to do it at foot pace in one day... After a long walk one night we saw this Missing Unicorn post... Cute!

We moved to New York at tail end of summer, beginning of fall, so the leaves were just about to turn pink and red and orange. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! Texas doesn't offer those kinda colors... We would love to go back and visit this coming fall.

Kevin on a little foot bridge in Central Park overlooking one of the many Central Park Lakes and the center of Manhattan in New York City.

One day we planned "quick trip" to Ground Zero (the site of the Terrorist Attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11), but it took soooo long to walk around the site (which is still VERY under-construction) that we weren't able to do any of the other things we had planned that day... You can see the new Tower going up (the red building frame on left side of picture).

We also walked down 5th Avenue where all the "Fancy" stores are (Like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Bergdorf Goodman, Lord and Taylor, and OF COURSE... Saks 5th Avenue.

Here is the Verrazano Narrows Bridge connecting Brooklyn to Manhattan in New York City. We passed by this one day when we got lost driving home from the beach... It was worth it!

Here is Mr. Trump's Office... I know you're thinking it, so I'll just say it, "YOU'RE FIRED!"

Here is a New York City view from Central Park.

One of our favorite hang outs was in the Times Square neighborhood. Our favorite "Mexican" restaurant and movie theater were there, so we took the train there a few times a month for Date Night... "Chevy's and a movie!"

The sights, sounds, and people at Times Square were amazing... HECTIC... but amazing!

Here is Kevin, bottom center, looking up at the lights at Times Square! He's such a good model!

On another date we picnicked at Battery Park, with the Statue of Liberty in view!

We also spent our Thanksgiving morning at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! It was FABULOUS! There were soooooo many people!

And here is our Thanksgiving Family Picture! We had known about our Little Blueberry for about a month!

Kevin also took me to the Museum of Modern Art where I was like, "WOW!" and Kevin was like, "Even I could make that!" Hahaha!

We also survived a BLIZZARD! It was sooooooo cold!

We went all kinds of places and did all kinds of things in New York City. I'm happy to say I lived there, worked there, and started a family there. That is one of those amazing things you think you'll never get the chance to do... and thanks to Kevin and our families, I can cross that off my list!

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